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Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan


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Preventing Oil Pollution in Xingda Fishing port

Coast Patrol Corps 5-2,Southern Coastal Patrol Bureau,received the report that the light oils floated in the port.
Multi-functional patrol boat was lunched instantly to prevent oil diffusion by setting the oil containment boom at first stage,
And used the oil absorbent to clean up the floated oil by people who were on shore. Environmental Protection Bureau,Kaohsiung City and other fisheries management units ,which were reported,helped completing the oil clearance and avoided worsening of the situation.The following investigations about the reasons of oil leaking were handed to the management apartments.
“Emergency disaster rescues in seas and coastal areas are very important in our job.”added by Coast Patrol Corps 5-2,Southern Coastal Patrol Bureau.Call 118 if any cases related to oceans enviroments and conservations or any asistances is needed.We will do our best to ensure the security of people.
  • Date: 2016/08/26

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