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Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan


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Fishing Protection were conducted in surrounding water of Okinotorishima ,No conflicts by Mutual restrainted.

A joint patrol fleet composed of Coast Guard 「巡護九號」, 「宜蘭艦」and COA 「漁訓貳號」 conducted a fishing protection task on high seas near Okinotorishima , maintain interests of fishermen in international waters.
Patrol fleet patroled in western waters of Okinotorishima about 193 nautical miles, express the government 's position and determination at 12:00 on May 6th, patrol fleet patroled around Okinotorishima about 140 nautical miles south-south west At 16:00 on May 7th, Japan sent four Coast Guard patrol boats which at the rear of 3-8 knots from the fleet .
Our fishing boats were mostly gathered in the Okinotorishima southwest and southeast of the 200 nm. There are only four boats sailing or operating within 200 nautical miles . Throgh process of fishing protection ,both of the mutual official vessels were restraint and rational. so far were still at peace situation in Okinotorishima waters .
Government should continue and uphold the principle , "no provocation, no conflict , no avoidance ", to protect the interests and safety of fishermen .
  • 更新日期:2016/08/26

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