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More Arrestees related to Coast Guard’s Drug Bust at Car Wash

On May 30th, 2021, more suspects are arrested related to a drug trafficking syndicate in northern Taiwan, which were incidentally found by the Taiwan Coast Guard Administration while the law enforcement agency investigating a syndicate which makes profits by illegally selling oil since October 2020.
The TCGA has arrested five 5 suspects involving sale of illegal oil during the following operations in January 2021. The TCGA has incidentally found a drug trafficking syndicate in northern Taiwan while tracing the delivery of the oil. The arrestees plead the drug trafficking syndicate bought several empty oil drums from them. The TCGA believe the drums are to be used as concealment for drugs and conduct investigation on the drug trafficking syndicate in northern Taiwan.
After months of investigation and surveillance operations, the TCGA has identified several associates and located a car wash, which is used as drug warehouse, in northern Taiwan. On May 26, 2021 in the late evening hours, the TCGA raid the car wash, seizing 45 KG drugs and arresting three (3) suspects. On May 30th, 2021, more suspects are arrested related to the drug trafficking syndicate with several suspects are at large, according to the case investigators. The investigation is still ongoing.
  • Source: 偵防分署
  • Date: 2021/09/14

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