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Coast Patrol Directorate General LOGO


About KMP Branch


About KMP Branch

Due to the different law units of coastal guard were not subordinate to each other, and they enforced the anti-smuggling activities according to different laws, which is not unify by the same command system, the National Security Committee proposed "the Law Of Coast Guard Organization." in March 18, 1999. After Executive Yuan discussed the case, they instructed Ministry of National Defense to establish the preparatory committee, and started to plan the preparation by the Coast Guard Headquarters.

The Legislative Yuan approved "The Law Of Coast Guard Organization", "the Law Of Coast Guard Administration Executive Yuan Organization", "the Regulation Of General Coast Patrol Agency Organization" and "the Rule of Local Coast Guard Bureau Organization" in January 14, 2000, and the President announced the laws to public in January 26, 2000. The Coast Guard Administration Executive Yuan was established in January 26, 2000, and General Coast Patrol Agency was also formed in February 28, 2000. GCPA takes charge of seizing the smuggling case, illegal immigration, crime prevention, the examination of restricted coast area and assisting the security examination of trade port to build the staunch coastline effectively and maintain the national security.


Our mission is to enhance the duty of coast guard, maintaining the order of sea and coast and protecting the resources. We also establish the equipments and strengthening the duty ability to ensure people's life and property safety.


Our objective is to:
Establish the working system of coast guard mission.
Strengthen the judicature professional training and enhance the professional ability to enforce the law.
Accommodate to the society and environment and strengthen the examination of trade port and fishing port.
Enhance the ability of investigation, anti-smuggling mobility, crime prevention, command and communication, fighting illegal and logistic support.
Build the complete coast guard system of command, management, information and communication.
Extend the range of duty to make up the gap of coast examination.
Establish the hall and dormitory to improve the living quality of the base personnel.

  • Source: 金馬澎分署
  • Date: 2018/04/12

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