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The Government declared strengthen patrolling in the high seas

In view of 「東聖吉16號」 which is my nationality ,when fishing in high seas near the Okinotorishima , was seized by Japan official boat unreasonably, the government decided to launch assets which were send by CGA and COA to Okinotorishima and adjacent area for the implementation of the joint patrol mission .
Coast Guard noted there is about 860 nautical miles between Okinotorishima and Eluanbi,Taiwan.Japan expanded the scope of the country's exclusive economic zone , advocating Okinotorishima has 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone , and seized our fishing boats.According to the Article 121 , paragraph 3, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea , rocks can not sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf , my Government believes that Okinotorishima only rocks , not the island , can not claim exclusive economic zone .
CGA emphasized that Okinotorishima water 12 nautical miles ashore is the high seas , in accordance with the provisions of article 87 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea , we could advocate freedom of fishing , since Japan has no right to ban our country in the area fishing vessels , the government will resolutely defend our fishermen have freedom to fish in that area of the high seas .
CGA said the government will protect the interests of fishermen , launch Coast Guard 「巡護九號」 and COA 「漁訓貳號」 Planning on May 1 from Kaohsiung sail together to Okinotorishima for patrol tasks , implementation the policy of " where are the fishermen , where are the Coast Guard ," to protect the rights and safety of fishermen .
  • 資料來源:海巡署
  • 更新日期:2016/08/26

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