
Ocean Resource Conservation

I. Ocean Pollution Prevention

In order to continually maintain a pollution-free ocean environment, the Coast Guard Administration not only fulfills missions of protection and conservation of ocean environment, but studies and formulates, cooperating with the Environmental Protection Administration, the emergency response project, pollution prevention equipment utilization proposal and pollution prevention operations manual. Periodically Coast Guard Administration participates in domestic and international marine pollution prevention professional training to intensify its professional ability in ocean pollution prevention.
In response to ocean pollution hazards and in order to effectively prevent spreading of the pollution, Coast Guard Administration, in addition to enhancing its pollution prevention capacity and intensifying professional training plan, aims to establish ocean pollution prevention bases for the northern, central, southern and eastern regions of the nation to improve the pollution prevention efficiency.

II. Ocean Ecology Conservation

For ocean ecology conservation, species diversity preservation and sustainable ocean resource utilization, Coast Guard Administration executes ocean ecology conservation tasks in accordance with relevant legal provisions. It identifies and collects evidence against cases in which conservation or fishery laws are violated and turns such cases over to prosecution. It also protects major ecological protection areas and habitats.

To fulfill responsibility in international fishery conservation, Coast Guard Administration dispatches patrol vessels executing pelagic fishery escort missions in Northern Pacific Ocean to intensify fisheries management for fishing boats flying the flag of the Republic of China and protect their interests. In addition, the missions are carried out in response to operations of ICCAT and in conjunction with Atlantic fishery escort mission of Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan to effectively protect fishery resources.

Ocean Pollution Prevention

    • 更新日期:104/11/03
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