安海專案 | An-Hai Proposal |
登臨檢查 | boarding and inspection |
晴空專案 | Bright Sky Proposal |
密窩 | clandestine cache |
海岸管制區 | Coast Control Zone |
專屬經濟海域 | Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) |
漁業巡護 | fishery patrol |
外籍船員 | foreign fishing workers |
全球海上遇險及安全系統 | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) |
進港檢查 | inspection in arrival |
出港檢查 | inspection on departure |
海上人命安全國際公約 | International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) |
國際海事組織 | International Maritime Organization(IMO) |
管轄 | jurisdiction |
大陸船員 | mainland fishing workers |
海域執法 | Maritime Law Enforcement |
現場指揮官 | on scene commander |
巡防區 | Patrol Area Office |
逆向稽核 | Reverse Audit |
搜索(清艙) | rummage |
鎮海工作 | Sea Eradication Proposal |
搜救 | Search and Rescue (SAR) |