海域執法英文手冊 | 連結(PDF檔)(另開新視窗) |
海巡署相關專業用語解釋及中英文對照表 | 連結(PDF檔)(另開新視窗) |
之一 | -1 |
法 | 1.Act 2.Code |
細則 | 1.Enforcement Rules 2.Regulations |
廢止撥用 | Abolition of Appropriation |
接受捐贈 | Accept Donation |
服裝 | Accouterment
取得 | Acquisition |
通 則 | Act |
律 | Act |
條 例 | Act |
財產增減表 | Add-and-subtract Forms of Properties
管理 | Administer
公用財產管理機關 | Administration Authority of Public Use Property
施政計畫 | Administration Plan |
國有財產管理人員 | Administrators of the National Property
施政方針 | Adminstrative Policies |
航空器 | Aero machine
彈藥 | Ammo
安海專案 | An-Hai Proposal |
人民陳情 | Appeals Reception |
撥用 | Appropriation
武器 | Arm
軍械室 | Armory
條 | Article |
決標 | Award of Contract
圍標/搓湯圓仔(俗稱) | Bid Collusion
綁標(俗稱) | Bid Rigging
登臨檢查 | boarding and inspection |
借用 | Borrowing
晴空專案 | Bright Sky Proposal |
評分 | By Score
車輛 | Car
製卡 | Card Making |
運輸 | Carriage
支援協定 | Carry agreement
分類 | Categorized
財產類別 | Category of Property |
結算驗收證明書 | Certificate Of Settlement And Acceptance
產權憑證 | Certificate of Title |
認證 | Certify
變更用途 | Change of Use |
章 | Chapter |
為民服務 | Citizen Service |
密窩 | clandestine cache |
海岸管制區 | Coast Control Zone |
委託研究 | Commissioned Research |
公用財產主管機關 | Competent Authority of Public Use Property
申訴廠商 | Complaining Supplier
工程 | Construction
轉包 | Contract Assignment
管制 | Control
公用財產變更為非公用財產 | Convert Public Use Property into Non-Public Use Property
副本 | Copy/Duplicate
毀損 | Damage
移交 | Deliver
拆卸 | Demolition |
滅失 | Destory and Lost
派遣 | Detach
各種行政規則 | Directions |
處分 | Disposition
贈與 | Donation |
宿舍 | Dormitory
電子化政府 | E-government |
省能源 | Energy-Saving
事業用財產 | Enterprise Use Property
機關 | Entity
裝備 | Equipment
同等品 | Equivalent Product/Service
稽察 | Examining
財產相互交換使用 | Exchange Property for Use |
專屬經濟海域 | Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) |
流標 | Failure of Opening of Tenders
漁業巡護 | fishery patrol |
維修 | Fix
出售 | For Sale
外籍船員 | foreign fishing workers |
配賦基準 | Fraught basis
國有財產總帳 | General Ledger of National Property
總則 | General Principles |
通則 | General Provisions |
全球海上遇險及安全系統 | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) |
政府機關 | Government Agency
底價 | Government Estimate
政府採購法 | Government Procurement Law
公營事業 | Government-Owned Enterprise
公共工程施工品質管理作業要點 | Guidelines For Performing Quality Management Of Public Construction Works
艦艇 | Gunboat
驗收 | Inspection and Acceptance
進港檢查 | inspection in arrival |
出港檢查 | inspection on departure |
共同供應契約 | Inter-Entity Supply Contract
海上人命安全國際公約 | International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) |
國際海事組織 | International Maritime Organization(IMO) |
國際標準 | International Stantards
不定期檢查 | Irregularly inspect
目 | Item |
管轄 | jurisdiction |
登帳 | Keep Accounts |
環境保護標章 | Label Of Environment Protection
土地 | Lands |
巨額採購 | Large Procurement
低污染 | Low Pollution
彈藥室 | Magazine |
大陸船員 | mainland fishing workers |
保養 | Maintain
海域執法 | Maritime Law Enforcement |
國有財產總目錄 | Master Catalog of National Properties |
異動 | Modification
核生化 | N.B.C
國有土地 | National Land
國有財產 | National Property |
國有財產法 | National Property Act
國有財產署 | National Property Administration |
國有財產資料卡 | National Property Data Card
國家標準 | National Stantards
協商 | Negotiation
非公用財產目錄 | Non-public Use Properties Catalog
非公用財產 | Non-public Use Property
廢標 | Nullification of Procurement
編號 | Numbering |
觀測 | observation
公務用財產 | Official Use Property
油料 | Oil
現場指揮官 | on scene commander |
開標 | Opening of Tenders
項 | Paragraph |
編 | Part |
巡防區 | Patrol Area Office |
罰則 | Penal Provisions |
國有財產經管人員 | Person in Charge of National Property
施政規劃 | Planning Of Administrative Implementations |
施政滿意度民意調查 | Poll On Satisfaction Of Administrative |
比價 | Price Competition
議價 | Price Negotiation
原定用途 | Primary purpose
採購契約 | Procurement Contract
採購 | Procurement
招標機關 | Procuring Entity
發布 | Promulgate
產籍 | Property Cadastration
公用財產目錄 | Public Properties Catalog
公用財產 | Public Use Property
公共用財產 | Public use property
公告 | Publish a Notice
廠商資格 | Qualification Of Suppliers
品質管理 | Quality Control
糧秣 | Ration
不動產 | Real estate |
改裝 | Reassemble |
再生材質 | Recycling Material
國有登記 | Registered as National Property
登記 | Registration
定期檢查 | Regularly inspect
辦法 | Regulations |
綱要 | Regulations |
規程 | Regulations |
規則 | Regulations |
準則 | Regulations |
承租 | Rent
汰換 | Replace
主管機關 | Responsible Entity |
可回收 | Retrievable/Recoverable
收益 | Revenue |
逆向稽核 | Reverse Audit |
權利 | Rights
採購評選委員會審議規則 | Rules Governing The Organization Of Evaluation Committee
搜索(清艙) | rummage |
保管 | Safekeeping |
報廢 | Scrapped Item |
鎮海工作 | Sea Eradication Proposal |
搜救 | Search and Rescue (SAR) |
節 | Section |
有價證券 | Securities |
安全 | Security
勞務 | Service
簽名或蓋章 | Signed Or Sealed
特殊採購 | Special Procurement
特定資格 | Specific Qualifications
標準 | Standards |
庫儲 | Storage
分包 | Subcontracting
款 | Subparagraph |
款 | Subsection |
附則 | Supplementary Provisions |
廠商 | Supplier
補給 | Supply
停業 | Suspension Of Business Operation |
接管 | Take Over
技術規格 | Technical Specification
檢驗 | Test
公告金額 | Threshold For Publication
查核金額 | Threshold For Supervision
總標價 | Total Price
財產總值 | Total Value of Properties
統包 | Turn-Key Contract/Design-Build
維修費 | Upkeep
用途 | Use
使用 | Utilization
採購金額 | Value of Procurement
註銷產籍 | Write Off Property Cadastrotion |
書面報價 | Written Offer
企劃書 | Written Proposal