機關 | Entity
裝備 | Equipment
同等品 | Equivalent Product/Service
稽察 | Examining
財產相互交換使用 | Exchange Property for Use |
流標 | Failure of Opening of Tenders
維修 | Fix
出售 | For Sale
配賦基準 | Fraught basis
國有財產總帳 | General Ledger of National Property
政府機關 | Government Agency
底價 | Government Estimate
政府採購法 | Government Procurement Law
公營事業 | Government-Owned Enterprise
公共工程施工品質管理作業要點 | Guidelines For Performing Quality Management Of Public Construction Works
艦艇 | Gunboat
驗收 | Inspection and Acceptance
共同供應契約 | Inter-Entity Supply Contract
國際標準 | International Stantards
不定期檢查 | Irregularly inspect
登帳 | Keep Accounts |
環境保護標章 | Label Of Environment Protection
土地 | Lands |
巨額採購 | Large Procurement
低污染 | Low Pollution
彈藥室 | Magazine |
保養 | Maintain
國有財產總目錄 | Master Catalog of National Properties |
異動 | Modification
核生化 | N.B.C
國有土地 | National Land
國有財產 | National Property |
國有財產法 | National Property Act
國有財產署 | National Property Administration |
國有財產資料卡 | National Property Data Card
國家標準 | National Stantards
協商 | Negotiation
非公用財產目錄 | Non-public Use Properties Catalog
非公用財產 | Non-public Use Property
廢標 | Nullification of Procurement
編號 | Numbering |
觀測 | observation
公務用財產 | Official Use Property
油料 | Oil
開標 | Opening of Tenders