廢止撥用 | Abolition of Appropriation |
接受捐贈 | Accept Donation |
服裝 | Accouterment
取得 | Acquisition |
財產增減表 | Add-and-subtract Forms of Properties
管理 | Administer
公用財產管理機關 | Administration Authority of Public Use Property
國有財產管理人員 | Administrators of the National Property
航空器 | Aero machine
彈藥 | Ammo
撥用 | Appropriation
武器 | Arm
軍械室 | Armory
決標 | Award of Contract
圍標/搓湯圓仔(俗稱) | Bid Collusion
綁標(俗稱) | Bid Rigging
借用 | Borrowing
評分 | By Score
車輛 | Car
製卡 | Card Making |
運輸 | Carriage
支援協定 | Carry agreement
分類 | Categorized
財產類別 | Category of Property |
結算驗收證明書 | Certificate Of Settlement And Acceptance
產權憑證 | Certificate of Title |
認證 | Certify
變更用途 | Change of Use |
公用財產主管機關 | Competent Authority of Public Use Property
申訴廠商 | Complaining Supplier
工程 | Construction
轉包 | Contract Assignment
管制 | Control
公用財產變更為非公用財產 | Convert Public Use Property into Non-Public Use Property
副本 | Copy/Duplicate
毀損 | Damage
移交 | Deliver
拆卸 | Demolition |
滅失 | Destory and Lost
派遣 | Detach
處分 | Disposition
贈與 | Donation |
宿舍 | Dormitory
省能源 | Energy-Saving
事業用財產 | Enterprise Use Property